The Budget and Advocacy Committee and the Committee on Legislation and Policy of the APLU Board on Agriculture Assembly
Budget and Advocacy Committee
The Budget and Advocacy Committee (BAC) is one of two standing committees of the Board on Agriculture's Policy Board of Directors, and is responsible for the preparation of an annual budget recommendation for those matters relating to agriculture and related areas that are of special concern to the member institutions and for coordinating the presentation of these recommendations to the BAA Policy Board of Directors in a timely fashion. The BAC also will work with the Council for Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching (CARET) and undertake the necessary and appropriate advocacy activities to effectively implement the budget recommendations adopted by the BAA Policy Board of Directors. The BAC communicates these budget recommendations to the APLU Council on Governmental Affairs, federal agencies (including the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the Office of Management and Budget), U.S. House of Representatives and United States Senate, and other individuals and groups as deemed appropriate by the BAC.
Paul Patterson
Dean, College of Agriculture and Director, Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station
Auburn University
Advocacy Chair
Michael J. Boehm
Vice President and Harlan Vice Chancellor of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of Nebraska System
Academic Programs Section
Kelly F. Millenbah
Senior Associate Dean and Director of Academic and Student Affairs, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Michigan State University
Cooperative Extension Section
Jon C. Boren
Associate Dean and Director, Cooperative Extension
New Mexico State University
Glenda Humiston
Vice President, Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of California Systemwide
International Agriculture Section
Deanna Behring
Director of International Programs
The Pennsylvania State University
1890 Extension
M. Ray McKinnie
Interim Dean, College of Agriculture
Virginia State University
1890 Research
Dyremple B. Marsh
Dean, College of Agriculture and Related Sciences
Delaware State University
1994 Institutions
John L. Phillips
Executive Director, First Americans Land Grant Consortium (FALCON) and AIHEC Representative
American Indian Higher Education Consortium
Patrese Atine
Director of Congressional/Federal Relations
American Indian Higher Education Consortium
APLU Non-Land-Grant Institutions
Karen L. Jones
Department Chair, PSAS, Animal Science, Food, and Nutrition
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
Insular/Territorial Institutions
Usman Adamu
Dean and Director, Agriculture Programs, Agricultural Experiment Station, Cooperative Extension, and Academic Teaching
University of the Virgin Islands
Council for Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching
Brian Hardin
Board on Human Sciences
Eric J. Porfeli
Professor and Chair, Department of Human Sciences, College of Education and Human Ecology
The Ohio State University
Board on Veterinary Medicine
Carolyn J. Henry
Dean and Professor of Oncology, College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Missouri-Columbia
Section on Forestry Resources
Linda M. Nagel
Professor and Department Head, Forest and Rangeland Stewardship, Warner College of Natural Resources
Colorado State University
BAA Committee on Legislation and Policy Liaison
Marshall Stewart
Vice Chancellor for Extension and Engagement
University of Missouri
BAA Policy Board of Directors Liaison
Thomas G. Coon
Vice President, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
Oklahoma State University
APLU Council on Governmental Affairs Liaison
Susan K. Peterson
Chief of Government Relations
Kansas State University
Douglas L. Steele
Vice President, Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources
Association of Public and Land-grant Universities
Eddie G. Gouge
Senior Associate Director, Federal Relations -- Food and Agricultural Sciences, Executive Director, Council for Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching (CARET), and Executive Director, Board on Human Sciences (BoHS)
Association of Public and Land-grant Universities
Caroline E. (Crocoll) Henney
Executive Director, Extension and Outreach
Cooperative Extension/Association of Public and Land-grant Universities
Wendy Fink
Associate Director, Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources
Association of Public and Land-grant Universities
Caron Gala
Director, Governmental Affairs, Agriculture and International Development
Association of Public and Land-grant Universities
Florencia Drumwright
Associate, Board on Human Sciences, CARET, and Cooperative Extension/ECOP
Association of Public and Land-grant Universities
Alton Thompson
Executive Director
Association of 1890 Research Directors
Albert E. Essel
Executive Director
Association of Extension Administrators
Jeff S. Jacobsen
Executive Director
North Central Regional Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors
Andrew McCabe
Executive Director
Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges
Kevin Cain
Legislative Director
Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges
Cornerstone Government Affairs
Hunt Shipman
Vice President
Cornerstone Government Affairs
Jim Richards
Vice President
Cornerstone Government Affairs
Vernie Hubert
Senior Consultant
Cornerstone Government Affairs
Will Todd
Cornerstone Government Affairs
Maggie Earle
Senior Associate
Cornerstone Government Affairs